Thursday, 26 September 2013
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
The Ned Show and Cross Country
The Ned Show visited our school this year. Students sat through an eventful lecture about persistence and doing your best, while yo-yo tricks were performed. Afterwards, students crowded into the hall to buy their own Ned yo-yo, and could be seen at school practising tricks.
Cross Country
This year's cross country was a fun-filled event, immediately followed by a sausage sizzle. The year seven and eights have been training for cross country this term. This consists of running around our school 3-5 times, and we will continue to do so for the rest of the year due to the Fun Run. The intermediate teachers are greatly enjoying this and see this as a great opportunity to become fit, while the year seven and eight students have other ideas.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
that's how you win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Natalie and Alazhay
Monday, 1 July 2013
Ayr Street Reserve
In Room24 we studied the Ayr street reserve. Thankfully, it was extremely easy for me because i just happen to live on Ayr St, so i didnt have to go very far for the answer (Not very far being the kitchen in my house where my mum was).
Our job was to interview somone on what the water was like in the reserve in the 1960's. Again it was easy for me because both my mum and my grandmother live on Ayr street in that time. this is how it went:
Me: What was the water like in the 60's?
Mum: Pretty clean, 9/10.
Me: Was the water drinkable back then?
Mum: Yes
Me: Would you swim in it?
Mum: I didnt, but it would be clean enough to swim in.
Me: How would you compare the cleanness (Yes that is a word) in the 60's to now?
Mum Now it is quite pllouted, probably 4/10... i wouldnt swim in it or drink it.
Me: Was there a vast range of wild life around the reserve? e.g plants, insects?
Mum: In the 60's yes, but now, not so much.
By: Alex.Smith.
Person interviewed, Nicky Russell (my mum).
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
5 paragraph Essay on an Animal
towards a helpless antelope, the cheetah pounces, a pounce to kill. The cheetah
is very unique compared to its fellow big cats. Cheetahs are my favourite
animal and always will be. Cheetahs are an impressive animal because of the
speed that they can travel at, how they only live in one gigantic habitat, and
also the wide variety of animals that they hunt for food.
First off,
cheetahs are well known for their speed. They can run up to one hundred and
thirteen kilometres per hour, but they can only hold that speed for two to
three minutes. Now that is impressive. If you were to drive alongside a cheetah
at motorway speed it could keep up for a bit. That’s pretty fast! Cheetahs can
run so fast, it’s crazy!
cheetah’s habitat is centred around the middle of South Africa. It is the only
place in the world that cheetahs live in. They are surrounded by lions,
antelopes, giraffes and even a few Meer cats. All of whom live in the
grasslands of central South Africa. It’s amazing how cheetahs only live in on
habitat, The grasslands of south Africa.
cheetah’s food supply is quite scarce; therefore they have a wide variety of
food on their diet, though thy still prefer because antelopes are fast and
cheetahs like a challenging chase. Unlike most big cats the cheetah hunts
during the day. They have black lines leading from their eyes down to their
jaw. This is said to help them see prey three or four kilometres away. The
large amount of food on their diet helps them survive with the low mount of
prey nearby to hunt.
basically, to sum it up cheetahs are pretty cool. With the speed they travel
at, the distance they can see, heir one amazing habitat, and the amount of
different food they hunt, they are the ultimate animal. Cheetahs are epic, and
hopefully you think that to.
By, Campbell
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Today the year 7&8 boys went to the tackle rugby tournament so the class only had 18 people, Yay! (mainly girls too which made Ms Barr's job wayyy easier). We went to the library and read in silence for an hour then we went for maths. Mr J is away on Jury Duty so we had Mrs Kumpala instead. We were doing symmetry shapes and moving on to symmetrical patterns and drawings. Also the boys had lost a soccer ball before lunch so Yoobin and I spent our afternoon looking for the ball that the boys lost - We didn't have much success unfortunately. So it ended up some of them confessing to Ms Loveday and Mrs Franklin - Smith what happened to it. On Friday we are raising money by wearing muffti for Denzal's baseball championship thing, so hopefully that will go well :)
By Sophia

By Sophia
Today, the year 7 and 8 boys went to the rugby tournament. They left school at eight thirty and they came back at two o'clock. The boys played five games, and came 2nd in every game. Venus played for the boys, because she was the one who could tackle properly.
Today we got to use windows 8 tablets/computers .
for reuel this was a stressful time and he didn't like it that's why me (Ben) did most of the writing
first we didn't get a internet connection and then had trouble finding the blog page and it was HELL.
So all in all, if you ever come to parnell scholl and your not like me (Reuel) you will enjoy this a lot more than I did!.
by Ben and Reuel
Getting smashed in rugby
Wednesday 12 June
Today Panell intermidiate year 7 and 8 participated in the Eastern zones rugby tournament. There was pain,blood,broken ribs and tears, but that didn't stop parnell from trying their best. Parnell came down fighting hard. We used all our tricks but it wasnt enough to win. All 16 boys did there best and got a good result of coming second in every game.
By Ilaisa,Flavius and Wynton
Today Panell intermidiate year 7 and 8 participated in the Eastern zones rugby tournament. There was pain,blood,broken ribs and tears, but that didn't stop parnell from trying their best. Parnell came down fighting hard. We used all our tricks but it wasnt enough to win. All 16 boys did there best and got a good result of coming second in every game.
By Ilaisa,Flavius and Wynton
rugby and school
Wednesday 12 June
Today we went to the Eastern zone for rugby.
After losing 4 games we were determined to win the last match but unfortunately our team did not win any games at the rugby tournament.
While the boys were at rugby we were having quiet time at school!! In the morning we went to the library we stayed till 10:00am then we went to math:(
after morning tea we had rotation. after lunch sadly the noisy boys came back from rugby BUT we were lucky that Miss H(the ESOL teacher) lent us 5 Windows 8 computers so we can do work on it.
By Reika and Wynton
my day
Today Ede and I practiced our social studies project to perfection.
also todays rotattion for yr7 Arawa/Tainui was doing social studies with Ms Kumpala and we finished off our project due THIS FRIDAY and also had a game of soccer.
Also Ms H kindly gave us her ESOL tablets for the afternoon and we searched up what a PH level is how acidic the solution is.
by Katherine Nicholls
also todays rotattion for yr7 Arawa/Tainui was doing social studies with Ms Kumpala and we finished off our project due THIS FRIDAY and also had a game of soccer.
Also Ms H kindly gave us her ESOL tablets for the afternoon and we searched up what a PH level is how acidic the solution is.
by Katherine Nicholls
PH levels
This afternoon in class we learnt how to use a tablet. We had to research about PH levels. This is what we found...
PH levels show whether something is either acid or base. The
numbers on top of the scale shows that the item is base, and the numbers at the
bottom show whether the item is acid. Numbers around 7 are neutral.
By Ede and Vicky
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Yesterday room 24 had an assembly and two people from our class won a certificate. Leo G and his best friend Alex C were the two amazing people. Leo made a fabulous video. Hope you'll like it =^.^=.
Also, yesterdays rotations were:
Aotea/Toko Year 7's went to ICT and enviro. They watched part of a documentary called Addicted to Plastic and wrote a little bit about it.
Aotea/Toko Year 8's went to Social Studies and P.E. They started to work on their water projects.
Tainui/Arawa Year 7's went to art. We painted our day of the dead, skulls. The skulls had to be about our ancestors.
Tainui/Arawa Year 8's went to Maori and music. They sang Maori songs with Mrs Parkinson's guitar.
Katherine and Seoyeon
Katherine and Seoyeon
Friday, 31 May 2013
Since it is coming to a end to NZ music month, Miss Barr has made us do a parody of a NZ song. There was ranges from Dave Dobbyn, to Stan Walker, and the Exponents. Some had much effort put into it and were really great, while others were, um... Something else. In total it was a good experience, but quite terrifying. Also we are going to see Bubblegum the Hip Hop group perform in the school hall, they are fundraising to get to Las Vegas to compete in their 3rd World Championship. They are only 10-12 years old! We all had to bring coins to help contribute to their fund to get there, so hopefully it will be worth it!
By Sophia

By Sophia

Monday, 20 May 2013
As you may know this month is NZ Music Month. We have been doing homework related to this topic, like listing A-Z artists and songs from NZ.
Also this week is book week, on Monday we had to dress up like people from the past and parade around the hall. There were quite a few hippys. We can't wait to see what the rest of book week holds for us!
By Reika and Sophia

Also this week is book week, on Monday we had to dress up like people from the past and parade around the hall. There were quite a few hippys. We can't wait to see what the rest of book week holds for us!
By Reika and Sophia
Friday, 12 April 2013
Arts Focus
Wellllllllll, as all of you should know, these next few weeks are the time for the PDS Intermediate to get our artsy fartsy side on! Each class is being visited by an artist who will help us create artworks to go towards our Arts Focus art trail, 18th April. So, have FUN, students!
There's MORE as well! Some of our students will be performing a contemporary dance on the night so look out for them, but don't don't get too distracted from the art on display!
Come along, invite your friends and family, it's BOUND to be an awesome night!
Hurray for artists!
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
On Wednesday the 20th the seinor school went to Goat Island for camp. On the way we stopped at Tawharanui reserve. At Tawharanui we went on a bush walk and had a lecture about the pests and predators that sometimes sneek past the massive fence and eat the animals that live in the reserve.During the lecture the park ranger who was doing the talk, started pulling dead animals from his sack. All these animals had been frozen and defrosted so many times that they looked like they had been run over by a lawn mower. They smelt awful!
These amimals included a stoat thats head was coming off, a possom whose fur had holes and cuts all over it, a rabbit that looked strangly flat and worst of all a cat that had one of its ears hanging off and looked like it had been beaten to death. After the presentation the park ranger stuffed all the animals back in the sack and drove off.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Monday 18th March
This term we are going on a year 7 and 8 camp to Goat Island. It is only two days away 'til the trip. We have decided on our tent groups and activity groups. Tent groups are the groups you are in for making breakfast and dinner. Today we are unable to come to the pools or Okahu bay for Waterwise, so we are going to work on some more camp dicussions. There will be many fun, amazing, memorable experiences. We will go snorkeling there and it will be fantastic because the fish on the marine reserve are tame and will just come right up to you. We will also be going up to the marine house that is a little bit up the hill. At the camp grounds it is up a steep hill, it has a playground, skateboard ramp, shower and bathrooms. Tommorow we have to bring our tents to school because we have to practice putting them up so that we are prepared for camp. So this is what we are doing to be prepared and ready for camp. HOPE EVERYONE HAS AN AWESOME TIME AT CAMP!
On Friday 16 March 2013 Parnell Intermediate went on a trip to polyfest and we had loads of fun!
At polyfest there were competitions, food stands, and Maori, Samoan, Tongan, Cook Islands and Nuie performances. My group only got to see 2 of them, we saw the Tongan and Samoan stages.
It was an awesome experience for everyone and I'm sure everyone would like to have that experience again.
This term we are going on a year 7 and 8 camp to Goat Island. It is only two days away 'til the trip. We have decided on our tent groups and activity groups. Tent groups are the groups you are in for making breakfast and dinner. Today we are unable to come to the pools or Okahu bay for Waterwise, so we are going to work on some more camp dicussions. There will be many fun, amazing, memorable experiences. We will go snorkeling there and it will be fantastic because the fish on the marine reserve are tame and will just come right up to you. We will also be going up to the marine house that is a little bit up the hill. At the camp grounds it is up a steep hill, it has a playground, skateboard ramp, shower and bathrooms. Tommorow we have to bring our tents to school because we have to practice putting them up so that we are prepared for camp. So this is what we are doing to be prepared and ready for camp. HOPE EVERYONE HAS AN AWESOME TIME AT CAMP!
On Friday 16 March 2013 Parnell Intermediate went on a trip to polyfest and we had loads of fun!
At polyfest there were competitions, food stands, and Maori, Samoan, Tongan, Cook Islands and Nuie performances. My group only got to see 2 of them, we saw the Tongan and Samoan stages.
It was an awesome experience for everyone and I'm sure everyone would like to have that experience again.
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Hello followers,
Yesterday the year 7's went to the Parnell Baths. We learnt how to go into a H.E.L.P position, which stands for... Heat, Escape, Lessoning, Position. Plus the year 7's did fitness, such as skulling and doing a couple of laps !!!
While the year 7's went to have fun, the year 8's went to Okahu Bay. They did kayaking,sailing and organising the boat.
This week our schedule is:
We are going to the Goat Island on the 20th till the 22nd of march. I hope everybody can come!!!
from room 24
(written by Seoyeon and Katherine)
Yesterday the year 7's went to the Parnell Baths. We learnt how to go into a H.E.L.P position, which stands for... Heat, Escape, Lessoning, Position. Plus the year 7's did fitness, such as skulling and doing a couple of laps !!!
While the year 7's went to have fun, the year 8's went to Okahu Bay. They did kayaking,sailing and organising the boat.
This week our schedule is:
- the year 8 boys are going to tech and making treasure boxes
- the year 8 girls are doing ICT / enviro and making a desgin for the intermediate picnic tables
- the year 7 boys are doing social studies/P.E are trying to decide there country for their project
- the year 7 girls are going to Ms Parkinson for maori/music. In music year 7 girls are learning about notes and beats, plus in maori we are learning the a,e,i,o,u song.
We are going to the Goat Island on the 20th till the 22nd of march. I hope everybody can come!!!
from room 24
(written by Seoyeon and Katherine)
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Welcome to 2013! We've been learning to write the cameo poems about emotions and adjectives. It was lots of fun! We also have been planning to paint our plain old wooden picnic benches with paints that are environmentally friendly!
Today, we got to do some cool hand art on a regular piece of paper. quick, easy and I really enjoyed it!
I think that room 24 is great and I'm pretty lucky to be be here with lots of other friendly students that are so much fun to be around!
Today, we got to do some cool hand art on a regular piece of paper. quick, easy and I really enjoyed it!
I think that room 24 is great and I'm pretty lucky to be be here with lots of other friendly students that are so much fun to be around!
Welcome to room 24's blog for 2013! Already we have been doing lots of things such as water wise were we do sailing, kayaking and rigging. Also in class we have been doing some very cool 3D art using paper pencil and vivid, come in to our class if you wish to see some. In room 24 we go outside to do exercises like bear crawl, lizard crawl and running. In room 24 we have a million dollar view of St. Stevens and an exclusive soundtrack called the annoying cicadas.
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