Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Yesterday room 24 had an assembly and two people from our class won a certificate.  Leo G and his best friend Alex C were the two amazing people.  Leo made a fabulous video.  Hope you'll like it   =^.^=.
Also, yesterdays rotations were:
Aotea/Toko Year 7's went to ICT and enviro.  They watched  part of a documentary called Addicted to Plastic and wrote a little bit about it. 
Aotea/Toko Year 8's went to Social Studies and P.E.  They started to work on their water projects. 

Tainui/Arawa Year 7's went to art.  We painted our day of the dead, skulls.  The skulls had to be about our ancestors.  

Tainui/Arawa Year 8's went to Maori and music.  They sang Maori songs with Mrs Parkinson's guitar.

Katherine and Seoyeon

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